How Does Pilates Help You Lose Weight?
Posted on July 16 2024

Author: E.C. LaMeaux
If you want to lose weight fast, Pilates is not the exercise for you. But if you're looking to not only lose weight but to tone and look slimmer, then making Pilates part of your exercise routine will help you in the long run.
Body shaping
Pilates helps you tone your muscles, especially around your midsection. This shapes your body and gives you a leaner appearance. Because an improved appearance is what most people strive for when they try to lose weight, this technique can help you achieve that goal.
Building strength
To actually lose weight, you need the physical capability to do exercises. Many people who are overweight or very out of shape struggle to perform weight loss exercises. According to the Pilates Association of Canada, however, Pilates will help you to build needed strength, toning your core and increasing flexibility. In addition, the Association says that Pilates can help alleviate back pain, which can make exercising easier and more comfortable. Once you’ve begun to build muscle using Pilates, you'll be able to perform more exercises with increased comfort and less difficulty.
If you really want to lose weight, you’ve got to get up and get moving. Pilates gives you a gentle introduction to the world of movement. Also, the Association lists body balancing as one of the benefits of Pilates. By balancing your body, the Association argues that you’ll achieve the ability to move gracefully. This can make exercising and losing weight much easier for you. Instead of concentrating on balance, you’ll be concentrating on the cardio aerobic exercise that keeps you moving.
While doing Pilates alone won’t make you drop a dress size in a week, it does contribute to the amount of time you spend moving in a day. And the more movement you do, the more calories you burn. Whether you’re just getting back into the world of exercise or you’re a fitness expert, Pilates can help you stay active, especially if you’re not looking for a high-impact workout.
According to Pilates inventor Joseph Pilates, the exercise method is designed to benefit not only your body, but also your spirit and mind. If you have a better attitude going into the process of losing weight, you’ll probably lose more weight in the end. A positive attitude and invigorated spirit can also increase your well-being.